The 5 Types of High-Conflict People & What To Do

a person who avoids conflict

The relationship becomes based on assumptions and expectations rather than communication. Fear of conflict can be incredibly deeply rooted, so this step can be hard. Try to remind yourself that confrontation won’t necessarily result in pain and distress. And the more you practice healthy conflict, the less afraid you’re likely to be next time. What experiences from your past may have led to your conflict avoidance?

Why Avoidance Behaviors Magnify Stress

a person who avoids conflict

Someone who avoids confrontation may simply feel a fight isn’t worth the energy, which results in either walking away or changing the subject before it escalates. Analyzing a situation how to deal with someone who avoids conflict before it reaches a point of no return amounts to no wasted breath and no harm, no foul. Handling these small situations politely but firmly can help you build confidence.

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Sometimes, the best way to avoid conflict is to take a break from the conversation entirely. However, it’s essential to genuinely try to understand the other person’s perspective when using this phrase. Otherwise, it could come off as insincere and potentially escalate the situation rather than calm it down. This is a classic phrase you might often hear when someone wants to avoid conflict and confrontation. “Cultivating an overall feeling of numbness can serve the same purpose.

traits of dismissive-avoidant attachment style

a person who avoids conflict

If you find yourself ending relationships rather than working through conflicts, you will likely end up with many broken relationships and a sense that you’re not able to make relationships “work” in the long-term. If something that we have to do stressing us out, we might avoid doing it or even try to stop thinking about it. However, we typically don’t stop thinking about whatever it is that needs to be done. Avoidance coping is considered to be maladaptive (or unhealthy) because it often exacerbates stress without helping a person deal with the things that are causing them stress. The other broad category of coping is called “active coping” or “approach coping.” This type of coping addresses a problem directly as a means to alleviate stress. If Sam disrespects Ron’s boundaries intentionally, Ron may need to reflect on Sam’s ability to be respectful and considerate in the relationship.

These situations are excellent opportunities to practice communication skills. For example, conflict can be an opportunity to share your feelings and become closer to your partner. Vulnerability can improve emotional intimacy as it can help your partner understand you better. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and overcoming your learned survival patterns is unlikely to be a quick process, either.

  • Remember, seeking help is a positive step towards improving your quality of life and relationships.
  • A therapist can offer strategies tailored to your specific situation, helping you both communicate more effectively and build a stronger connection.
  • While this rejection can come from anyone, like a dismissive teacher or bully on the playground, it’s most impactful coming from a parent or primary caregiver.
  • Just because you value keeping things the same, however, doesn’t mean you’re totally fixed in your opinions.
  • Pay attention to the sneaky ways they try to get you to spill some information.
  • Over time, they might learn that it’s safer to keep emotions to themselves rather than express how they feel.

a person who avoids conflict

Sharing a life with a partner who is self-serving and hurtful may not be worth it. Learning how to confront someone assertively won’t happen overnight. But you can still take small steps each day toward feeling more comfortable facing your fears and speaking up for yourself.

  • Who needs angst when you have a reliable Rolodex of conflict resolution techniques in your back pocket?
  • The thing about conflict avoidance is that, in small doses, it’s actually a perfectly reasonable reaction.
  • Conflict avoidance is not about evading or sidestepping uncomfortable discussions; rather, it is about fostering a culture of respect, understanding, and proactive communication.
  • Instead, it’s more effective to create healthy habits that build resilience.
  • However, it is essential to distinguish between healthy, constructive conflict and destructive, volatile conflict.

And ultimately he was going to need the words in order to manage his own emotions. Women, as Jennifer Lawrence pointed out so eloquently in her essay for Lenny Letter about salary negotiations, are supposed to be “nice”. We’re not supposed to play hardball, step up to criticism, come out guns blazing, or stand our ground.

When Do People Use Avoidance Coping?

a person who avoids conflict

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